Oriole Sun

“…The fiery hangbird…” – Thoreau’s description of an oriole in his Journal, 12/29/53

An all-day rain wanes
and the hawk atop the hemlock
fans her feathers to dry

in the wind, and the light
in the party-colored leaves
is just so…no it’s now

the oriole that circles
the hawk his body brighter
than three spread red tails,

the hawk a stubborn thumb

thrust into the sky just…so
what does a hawk do

amid the thick rain? If
I were her I’d find
a thick pine and side-

step in along a branch
mid-tree and listen and
listen to the rain’s

roar…or maybe, perhaps, I’d sit
like a totem-top and wait
for the bright sun of an oriole,

and just be here when
it came and swooped and
swerved its fiery orbits around me.

...the fiery hangbird

…the fiery hangbird

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