Who We Are

Click for: History of Thoreau Farm  How We Are Green


The Thoreau Farm Trust, a nonprofit organization, is committed to preserving Thoreau’s birth house and promoting Thoreau’s extraordinary insights into life, nature, and social responsibility. We offer educational programs and present his birthplace and the surrounding landscape as a source of inspiration for living deliberately, practicing simplicity, and exploring new ideas for positive change. 

Executive Director
Rebecca Migdal ·  rebecca@thoreaufarm.org 

Board of Directors
Robert Pinsky (U.S. Poet Laureate, 1997-2000), Honorary Chair
Ken Lizotte, President
Nancy McJennett, Clerk
Molly Q. Eberle, Treasurer
John “Jack” Maguire, Assistant Treasurer
Peter Alden
Courtland Booth
Lawrence A. Buell
Nicole Palmer
Chrissa Ventrelle

Trustees in Memoriam
John D. Mack
Joseph C. Wheeler



341 Virginia Road (mailing: P.O. Box 454)
Concord, MA 01742
Email: info@thoreaufarm.org