Welcome to Thoreau Farm, the Birthplace of Henry David Thoreau

Unleash your inner Thoreau. Discover new ideas. Explore the world.


Thursday, July 18 at 7pm – Got Seed? with Jennifer Jewell and Tim Johnson (More info here.) Presented by the Write Connection, a program in partnership with the Thoreau Society. In collaboration with Cultivating Place and the Native Plant Trust

Sunday, August 4 – Meet the Beekeeper Join us in Thoreau’s backyard and learn about our pollinators! Free. Registration encouraged. (More info here.)This program is part of the Thoreau Sauntering Society.

Learn More About Upcoming Programs 

Birds & Beyond: a journey through thoreau’s landscape with barry van dusen

Special Exhibition on view May 11 to July 24

Thoreau Farm Hours: Saturdays & Sundays, 10am to 4pm; Mondays, 10am to 2pm (except 7/8); and by appointment. Learn about related events and read more here. 

“I am pretty sure that is the myrtle bird [yellow-rumped warbler] I see and hear on the Corner road—picking the blossoms of the maple—with the yellow crown and black throat or cheeks. It sings pe-te-te-te-ter twé emphasizing the last and repeating the second, third, and fourth fast.” — Thoreau, Journal, May 2, 1852

This exhibit is presented in partnership with Freedom’s Way National Heritage Area during the Hidden Treasures Festival of Nature, Culture & History. Learn more at freedomsway.org.

The great person never wants an opportunity to be great but makes occasion for all about him.— Henry David Thoreau, Journal, June 1, 1841

Remembering Thoreau Farm Trust founding member

Joe Wheeler (1926-2024)

Joe Wheeler was instrumental in saving Thoreau’s birthplace and establishing Thoreau Farm as a place of pilgrimage in Concord. Members of the Thoreau Farm Trust remember him as a forward-thinking, wise, and wonderful leader and friend.  Read More

“Write while the heat is in you.”

The Writer’s Retreat at Thoreau Farm 

Rent the birth room of Henry David Thoreau —a sanctuary where you can write your masterpiece!

Proceeds support the preservation of Thoreau Farm, the “Birthplace of Ideas.” Reserve your time in the Writer’s Retreat or give it as a gift!

Email us at info@thoreaufarm.org  to make a reservation today.

Learn More About the Writer’s Retreat at Thoreau Farm 

Support the work of the Thoreau Farm Trust!

donate to the annual fund

Every dollar gifted to the Thoreau Farm Trust will help with our mission to preserve Henry David Thoreau’s birthplace. And, any donation, no matter how small or how large, brings us closer to a sustainable future!

Donations can also be made by check to: Thoreau Farm Trust, P.O. Box 454, Concord, MA 01742. Thank you for your support.

Donate Today

Thank you for a great 2023 tour season! 


Come learn about the birthplace of Henry David Thoreau and consider lessons about living deliberately that we can learn from his legacy. Public tours resume in the Spring. House Tours: May through October, Saturdays & Sundays, at 11:00 am, 1:00 pm, and 3:00 pm. Admission is free. Suggested Donation $5/person 

You do not need to take a tour to visit the grounds. Arrange a tour during the off season by contacting us at info@thoreaufarm.org.

Plan Your Tour Today

KLEIO x Thoreau Farm Candle Collection

Travel back to 19th-century New England and experience Henry David Thoreau’s olfactive world as detailed in his writings with this luxury candle collection.

The KLEIO x Thoreau Farm Luxury Candles Collection. Named after the Ancient Greek muse of history, KLEIO brings the past to life by recreating the aromas of olfactive history in candle form, illuminating a particular place in time. Candles from this collaboration transport you back to 19th-century New England, recreating Thoreau’s olfactive world as detailed in his writings.

Learn More about the Candle Collection

What Would Henry Do? BOOK SERIES

Thoreau Farm’s book series is aimed at exploring the question: if Henry David Thoreau were alive today, what would HE think, what HE say, what would HE do?

Learn More about this Book Series

Order What Would Henry Do? Volume One

Order What Would Henry Do? Volume Two


black line drawing logo of a rooster on a roost over the words he roost Don’t miss many insights about Thoreau’s enduring lessons that can be found in The Roost: The Blog at Thoreau Farm 

Please check back or sign up for our newsletter to keep updated on our programs and events.  

The Thoreau Farm Trust, a nonprofit organization, is committed to preserving Thoreau’s birth house. We believe Thoreau’s extraordinary insights into life, nature, and social responsibility are as relevant today as they were during his lifetime. We hope you will find his birthplace a source of inspiration for living deliberately, practicing simplicity, and exploring new ideas for positive change.